LULU—LAND is a tiny global community for creative "kids," artists, photographers, designers, musicians, filmmakers, writers, athletes, and entrepreneurs – all of those to whom crazy ideas and thinking differently somehow comes naturally. A community that brings together like-minded creators, thinkers, troublemakers, popcorn brains, nomads, explorers, geeks, rebels, and curious outsiders, who thrive with fluid boundaries and whose restlessness and creative mindset are their greatest strengths. LULU—LAND allows for fun ventures, collaborations, and crazy ideas at the stage where no one knows if they'll fly or fall. There are no rules. We experiment, we learn, and we grow in the process. We love to challenge the status quo, and we seek to move people. We're inspired by the madness around us and like to share that inspiration. LULU—LAND is an idea of creating something; we don't know exactly what is yet. A space that emerges, evolves and develops over time, a platform that's able to grow with us. It's our workspace, an office, a creative studio and bureau, a shop, and a journal. It's a collection of ideas, curated inspiration, a pop-up store, events and happenings, an exhibition, a workshop, ... We never completely define it: in that sense, LULU—LAND is continually changing. The overall purpose is to inspire. We firmly believe that happiness is a journey, not a destination.
As a small startup, with limited resources, it's crucial for us that we spend our time right, and that both our interns and we feel like we're getting the most out of the internships we offer. Therefore, we always start by aligning expectations. We create a development plan for the time you are working with us and make sure to set clear development goals together.
As a remote intern at LULU—LAND, you'll get the chance to work with:
· Content creation · Visual communication · Graphic design · Social media · Copywriting · Ecommerce · Digital media · Community management · Project management · Business development · Research, etc.
If you're interested, please write and tell us;
1) a little bit about yourself
2) what you'll bring to our team
3) why you want to be our intern
4) most importantly, what inspires you?
The internship is unpaid [none of us are getting paid at this stage]. Therefore, we fully understand if you need to have another job or study at the same time, and we are flexible with the hours.
We are currently based in Copenhagen due to the COVID19 outbreak. However, you can work from anywhere you like as long as you have a computer and a stable internet connection :)