Written by
Louise Bøgeskov Hou

Editorial #02: COVID-19

LULU—LAND is a 100% remote micro-business. We have been traveling around the world since day one. Our plan was to work from Barcelona in the upcoming months and then go to New York during summer.
However, due to the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak, we will stay in Copenhagen for an indefinite period of time. A tough decision, with severe economic consequences for a small newly established business, but nevertheless the only right decision. We love to travel, but we all need to take care of our selves and each other during this worldwide pandemic.
It feels surreal. We know that there are a lot of people and businesses affected a lot worse by this than we are. We want to encourage everyone to be mindful, considerate, and kind.
Help each other. Support the small creative businesses out there, struggling to survive this madness. Reach out to other people. Like, follow and comment on your favorite local business' social platforms. Make orders online and buy gift certificates if possible. It's the small things that make a difference in times like these.
To all of our friends traveling and working remotely around the world: please, postpone any travel, follow the recommendations made by WHO as well as by your governments in order to stay safe and help slow down the spread of the virus. Even though you are not at risk, locals and other people's loved ones are.
Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe, and last but not least, stay home. Meanwhile, we will do our best to keep you inspired!


Joel Filipe

Trinity Treft

Lucas Benjamin