Written by
the LULU—LAND Team

We're Looking for Content Contributors!

As our content contributor, you'll be responsible for producing original content for the LULU—LAND Journal and Instagram.
Our contributors come from a lot of different backgrounds and bring a wide variety of experiences. They are; creative thinkers, journalists, writers, and poets, opinion makers, reviewers, and critics, photographers and filmmakers, actors and musicians, illustrators and designers, business leaders and entrepreneurs, advocates and activists, gay, straight, bi- and transsexual, men and women, Black, White, Brown, and Asian or perhaps a mix of all the above … we are not fond of putting people in boxes, and we don't discriminate. On the contrary, we advocate for social justice and equality; all that matters is that you have something interesting and inspiring to share with our community.
We use the LULU—LAND Journal categories as a guideline for our content but never let them limit or confine us. If a great idea doesn't fit, we simply change the categories or make a new one. We always leave a bit of space for the unimaginable.

If you are interested, please email and tell us;

  1. a little bit about yourself
  2. why you want to be a contributor
  3. how you'd like to contribute
  4. and most importantly, what inspires you?

Unfortunately, we are not in a position where we can pay for contributions; believe us, if we could, we would. LULU—LAND is a small bootstrapped startup—non of us are getting paid at this point—everything we earn is reinvested in developing the platform and the community. We fully understand if you have a job or study at the same time. We consider ourselves flexible; you can be a one time contributor or contribute on an ongoing basis—it's up to you!
Credits are important to us—we care—and we'll never take the credit for your work or anyone else work.
LULU—LAND is a remote micro-business, currently based in Copenhagen, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. However, you can contribute from anywhere you'd like as long as you have a computer and access to a stable internet connection.

As a LULU—LAND contributor, it's crucial to:

If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to getting to know you!